Why a 721 Farm Contribution Fund?
A “hard” Farm Asset
As a 721 Farm Contribution Fund, Landowners receive Fund Units in exchange for contributing the farm into the Fund.
Becomes Liquid
The Contributor can then retain the Fund Units and take advantage passive returns from the portfolio of farmland assets. Or, the Contributor can exercise, gift or bequeath their Units.
And Defers Capital Gains.
Even while capital gains are deferred, Contributors still have rights to determine the farm’s tenant and utilize the land for recreational activity.
Contributors can retain control over the tenant decision making process to continue farming the land and also can repurchase the farm in the future.
Unit ownership leaves the
estate intact with no capital gains, plus the flexibility to gift, bequest, or liquidate in flexible increments.
Unit holders have access to liquidity after the 1-year contribution period has expired; access that doesn’t require the sale of the asset.
Professional farm managers maximize returns with the right leases, oversight, capital improvements and partnerships.
Ownership in a broad portfolio means access to revenue sources like wind, solar, wetlands, easements, mineral rights, etc.
Diversify holdings and insulate against factors that are often
outside of an individual landowner’s control.